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3 Tips to be a Better Digital Marketer

how to become a better digital marketer. 

In fact, what we should be talking about is: How to be a better marketer. 

The Digital medium is just how communication technology has evolved. 

Earlier we have Radio, TV, Newspaper and Magazines, but now we have Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and Online videos. 

However, the core principles of marketing has not changed. Because we as humans have not changed. 

If you become a better marketer, you can automatically become a better digital marketer.

So how do we become better marketers?

1. Get a Good Life Experience

Marketing is mostly the ability to tell compelling stories. 

Great marketers are people who have a great life experience. 

For example, a while back I wrote a blog post on how digital marketing and blogging took me to China. 

(You can read the blog post here: How Blogging & Digital Marketing took me to China).

I was able to write that story because I did something in my life that is worth talking about.

So travel to new places, experience new cultures, listen to new types of music, make new friends from different places, learn a new language, do something new, do some social activity. 

Everything adds to your life experience and it helps you tell more compelling stories. 

As a marketer, you have to engage your audience with interesting stories, knowledge and valuable content. 

The amount of ideas you can come up with to engage your audience depends on how much life experience you have. 

2. Talk to a Single Person

A marketer is a sales man multiplied with the power of communication technology. 

A door-to-door salesman tries to sell a product by giving a sales pitch to a potential customer. 

A salesman talks to one person at a time.

If I am trying to sell you something through marketing (via digital mediums), I have to talk to you. 

Though I will be sending this mail out to 2,50,000+ subscribers, the way I am writing, you will feel that I am talking only to YOU.

That's why you are able to connect with me, and listen to me, spend time reading my blog posts, spend time watching my YouTube videos and spend time reading my emails. 

When you write a blog post or a sales email, imagine one person at the other end and write only to a single person.

3. Use Simple English

Right from our childhood, we have been fascinated by complex English. 

Grammar rules, long sentences, complex words are usually appreciated on the academic side of the world. 

They are appreciated in school but not in the market where you have to get people to pay you money. 

In marketing, you have to write like you talk.

If I was sitting next to you, I would talk like this. 

In simple English, and small sentences. 

The purpose of writing in marketing (copywriting) is to convert a reader into a customer, who will pay us for our products and services.

Content gets attention. Attention builds trust. Trust can be leveraged to get people to transact. 

Right now, I am able to get your attention because you were interested in what I have to say. 

If I deliver good content, a promise from the headline (Subject line of this email is: How to be a better marketer), then through this I can build trust.

I said I am going to talk about how to become a better marketer, and you read the mail until this point, and if you feel I have delivered my promise, then I am building trust in your eyes.

Tomorrow, with this trust, I might be able to convince you to buy one of my products. 

And nothing can be achieved if I spoke like an English professor or wrote like I am publishing a research paper for my PHD. 

I don't care about how correct my words. 

All I care about it, am I getting your undivided attention, and am I able to build trust?

English, in the marketing context, is just a medium to communicate. 

If I can communicate to your using telepathy, then I wouldn't need to use the words.

Final Words

So these are the three points which can help you become a better marketer. 

There are a lot more things we can do to become better marketers, but these 3 are the most important. 

Thanks for reading this blog!


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